Pakistan Embassy Kathmandu, organized award giving ceremoniesof 9th Annual Ambassador of Pakistan Essay Writing Competition and 5th Annual Ambassador of Pakistan Speech Competition. Syed Haider Shah, Ambassador of Pakistan gave away awards to thewinning students.
Students who secured first, second and third position in theEssay Writing Competitionwere presented Gold, Silver and Bronze medals alongwith Souvenir and cash prizes.The next ten best students were also presented with cash prizes.The topic of Essay Writing competition was “Climate Change a Harsh Reality – Measures required to Pacify Effects at Individual and Collective Level”.
1st, 2nd, 3rdand 4thposition holders of the Speech Competition were presented with Souveniralongwith Gold, Silver, Bronze medals and cash prizes. The next twelve best students also received cash prizes.Topic for Speech competition was “Importance of Social Media in Education”.
A sizeable number of Nepalese students from Higher Secondary Level (10+2) to University level participated in the two competitions. The Ambassador of Pakistan appreciated the efforts of the participating students and called them a strong bridge between the youth of two countries.The ambassador highlighted the importance of youthinteractions between the two countries.
The two competitions which are held every year have become increasingly popular among Nepali youth and have been attracting growing attention from students all over the country.